I don’t want to work in a building downtown, but I do it for the money.

That Arcade Fire record every­one’s going on about, myself includ­ed, should be pret­ty well split between Spring­steen and Echo, right? Wrong. Carl Wil­son at Zoilus noticed that things are swing­ing in the Boss’ direc­tion and that it’s now cool to reclaim him for us, whomev­er that may be. You’ve seen the Spring­steen trib­ute con­cert pho­tos, right?

[I’ll admit here in the open that I’ve been guilty of this for some time. I like The Riv­er and Nebras­ka. And “Bril­liant Dis­guise.” I chalk it up to a grad school cri­sis, but it stuck around for rea­sons unknown to me, but I attribute it to the pow­er of the music. Radio does every­thing it can to undo it. When­ev­er I ride in the car I find myself reach­ing for the pre­sets when Bruce comes on. His ver­sion of “San­ta Claus is Com­ing to Town”? The worst!]

One response to “I don’t want to work in a building downtown, but I do it for the money.”

  1. julie Avatar

    swingin’ to the Boss…www.foryoubruce.com