Remember how I said The Fader was more or less worthless, except for the awesome pictures they take and then I posted something they did about No Age at SXSW? It’s still true. On the other hand, when Ben Ratliff talks Ocrilim, Black Dice and No Age in the pages of The Times, it’s completely amazing.
[Always keep an eye out for Ratliff. Sure Sanneh is the people’s favorite and a fine writer, but Ratliff writes about all the weird stuff I love, except making the recent Stooges gig sound like the Second Coming, which it totally couldn’t have been, since the Stooges pretty much suck now. Lastly, check out the correction. What’s even more amazing is that I always think that Mick Barr is in Hella. It’s refreshing to know that he’s not.]