Oh, so you’re with “the media” then?

Remem­ber how I said The Fad­er was more or less worth­less, except for the awe­some pic­tures they take and then I post­ed some­thing they did about No Age at SXSW? It’s still true. On the oth­er hand, when Ben Ratliff talks Ocril­im, Black Dice and No Age in the pages of The Times, it’s com­plete­ly amazing.

[Always keep an eye out for Ratliff. Sure San­neh is the peo­ple’s favorite and a fine writer, but Ratliff writes about all the weird stuff I love, except mak­ing the recent Stooges gig sound like the Sec­ond Com­ing, which it total­ly could­n’t have been, since the Stooges pret­ty much suck now. Last­ly, check out the cor­rec­tion. What’s even more amaz­ing is that I always think that Mick Barr is in Hel­la. It’s refresh­ing to know that he’s not.]