It seems like everything is last week’s news these days.

Since my last post I feel like I’ve need­ed some­one to RSS-cue me. I’ve been swept up by my new job pret­ty com­plete­ly, engrossed in Joshua Fer­ris’ amaz­ing new nov­el, and writ­ing brief reviews for Paper Thin Walls when I get chance [Keep an eye out for Low and Von Suden­fed.] I’ve missed shows I meant to see [Noisettes/TVOTR and Spoon. Real­ly sor­ry about Noisettes (see video) but a funer­al took me out of town.] and have been gen­er­al­ly remiss, if not gross­ly neg­li­gent when it comes to music blog­ging late­ly. I’m hope­ful that a quick round-up of links will serve as a suf­fi­cient short­hand for what I’m into lately.