I prefer The Bald Headed Soprano actually.

My review of Von Südenfed’s “The Rhinohead” is up today at PTW. Short­ly after I filed it, my copy of The Wire arrived with Mr. Von Pseud Mag Edi­tor and MoM on the cov­er. Yikes. To be com­plete­ly hon­est, I’m more con­vinced now that fea­tur­ing Mark E. Smith any­where is a sim­ple ploy to sell mag­a­zines, albums, any­thing real­ly to lure the throng of rabid fans who’ve held on through the years, the wives, what­ev­er. It’s pret­ty sim­ple real­ly, or at least it seems that way. It’s kin­da sad too because since Coun­try on the Click I think that Smith’s been fad­ing fast, and as fun as Von Sü­den­fed’s Tro­mat­ic Reflexxions is, it’s not the return to grace I’d hoped for.

If noth­ing else, this album ought to con­vince folks new to the Fall that those albums after This Nation’s Sav­ing Grace are pret­ty good too, up ’til a point. I con­sid­ered adding this extra-musi­cal bits and edi­to­ri­al­iza­tions in the review, but I felt that it would be a dis­ser­vice to the song to clut­ter the review with even more detri­tus about the Fall. There’s plen­ty out there. Explore that mighty abyss!