I might’ve considered Robert Fripp’s suit on Exposure myself.

I saw this sec­ond on Obtusi­ty, a place I first learned about when han­dling most of Paper Thin Walls bull­horn duties. I think the first stuff I checked out there was their ret­ro­spec­tive of Bjork’s entire videog­ra­phy. Pret­ty cool stuff, if you ask me.

But the review that is spot-on at a dead run belongs to Mark Richard­son, a Pitch­fork vet­er­an who’s some­times in the mix in the Fork­cast too. The make­up is an obvi­ous homage, but Richard­son drops that sar­to­r­i­al note about Robert Palmer — wow — col­or me impressed. [Dude­man also reviewed the same Von Sü­den­fed track I did yes­ter­day, which was a fun coincidence.]