The days keep growing longer and longer.

I made the com­mand deci­sion over the week­end to give up free­lance music crit­i­cism, at least for now. I think the new job takes up the slack and, with luck, I’ll be able to do some cre­ative things there short­ly. And by cre­ative, I mean inter­view Rihan­na or some­thing like that.

Mean­while, a list of things I’m present­ly, pleas­ant­ly enjoying:

  • Grilling.
  • Gar­den­ing. Our block had an impromp­tu, total­ly unsanc­tioned Arbor Day cel­e­bra­tion two week­ends ago, result­ing in a ser­i­al plant­i­ng of flow­er­ing pear trees everywhere.
  • Read­ing real­ly long nov­els in the time for­mer­ly spent on com­ing up with angles and pitch­es. I’m final­ly dig­ging into Pyn­chon’s V. and I’m lov­ing it. I’m also not­ing how much Rushdie seems to have “bor­rowed” for ele­ments of The Satan­ic Vers­es. Like Gibreel Far­ish­ta, f. ex.
  • Inde­pen­dent music. Now that I spend so much time sort­ing out which main­stream releas­es end up on what day of the week and why and what video pack­ages and news items suit them, it’s real­ly relax­ing to unwind with what­ev­er’s wait­ing for me at home. Then I find cre­ative ways to include it at the job. Cir­cle of life and all that.
  • Learn­ing Google Sketchup to land­scape the back­yard. I need to fig­ure out how to rethink ter­race gar­den­ing, this table and that grill.
  • Falling back in love with movies too. Bear in mind that I stopped using my house account at my old job well before get­ting laid off. I haven’t been the rabid renter I once was, and in the inter­im, I’ve not bought much either. I fore­see a boun­ti­ful Net­flix har­vest in the near future.
  • Dono­van. Rihan­na. It’s going to be a great summer.