There are helicopters, napalm and children.

28 Weeks Lat­er, the hero­less sequel to Dan­ny Boyle’s excel­lent 28 Days Lat­er, does for zom­bie movies what Chil­dren of Men did for dystopi­an thrillers. Direc­tor Juan Fres­nadil­lo uses famil­iar scenes from Iraq and Kat­ri­na to crit­i­cize U.S. mil­i­tary involve­ment and the val­ue the gov­ern­ment places on civil­ians, some­how man­ag­ing to nev­er get bogged down by Mes­sage. This will undoubt­ed­ly end up being the most under­ap­pre­ci­at­ed movie of the sum­mer, lost among the blockbusters.