But who, pray tell, is the loneliest monk?

Zoilus’ Carl Wil­son donates his two cents to Des­ti­na­tion: Out­’s ’90’s jazz poll [part three here.] I think that what Car­l’s on to is that it’s hard to argue for any genre after it’s passed the idiomat­ic baton to the Next Big Thing. But, as the com­menter right­ly notes, lists are great too, espe­cial­ly when well-respect­ed crit­ics con­tribute them.

Then again, hav­ing lived with a work­ing jazz vio­lin­ist for a year, my ears were opened to a num­ber of things, for bet­ter or worse, hap­pen­ing right now. Like the­ater, jazz is still being played and adored by throngs, just not as pub­licly as in the past.

[Damn it if Ornette Cole­man’s Tone Dial­ing isn’t avail­able on cer­tain music ser­vice that I get to use for free.]