It’s about love and death and revenue sharing. Up-selling abounds.

I’m not sure that Hype­bot’s six part series on eMu­sic’s recent tur­bu­lence was any­thing more than sound and fury sig­ni­fy­ing noth­ing, or at best, very lit­tle about dig­i­tal music at all. Seems to me that it was more about the blood in the water than any­thing else, and like fren­zied sharks, eMu­sic rep­re­sen­ta­tives took the bait when they prob­a­bly should’ve steered clear. On the one hand it’s inter­est­ing to see exec­u­tives who care so much about their prod­uct, but on the oth­er, they should’ve exer­cised bet­ter judg­ment when it comes to open let­ters, etc.

The dig­i­tal music busi­ness is a shad­owy world.