I’ve been swamped. I love ducking in here like I’m trying to get out of the rain…which is a nice segue [cough] into:
- Rihanna — ‘Umbrella’ [I’m interviewing her later this week. It’s about that time for R&B protection ballads. There’s a war on, after all.]
- Mutant Sounds. I was a little tired of Chocoreve [even though that blog has some amazing moments] so I threw this in the blogroll in its place. Brace yourself for tons of weird music, posted faster that you can reload your rapidshare account.
- The new, yet not so new House is a Feeling. The team blog concept is great, except that undoubtedly everyone’s already overcommitted elsewhere [Back and Forth, RIP] and the blog just dies alone [though some a great repositories that shouldn’t be deleted.] Ronan’s picked up the torch quite admirably here, with nice new mixes apparently almost daily.
- Trying to understand why the newest New Pornographers song just isn’t that good, yet is still being posted everywhere on the internet with an OMG tag. Just another instance of all your blogs are belong to us, I guess.
- Netflix. Dreamgirls and Kieslowski. Where the hell’s the Wajda war trilogy though? Having been a dedicated employee and devotee of brick and mortar rental since forever, this was a major step for me. It already makes a hell of a lot more sense than leaving the house to find titles that every other nerd in town wants too. And new releases? Sweet. I can’t wait for the Raymond Bernard box to come out!