The landslide didn’t bring me down. It was the avalanche that hit first.

I’ve been swamped. I love duck­ing in here like I’m try­ing to get out of the rain…which is a nice segue [cough] into:

  1. Rihan­na — ‘Umbrel­la’ [I’m inter­view­ing her lat­er this week. It’s about that time for R&B pro­tec­tion bal­lads. There’s a war on, after all.]
  2. Mutant Sounds. I was a lit­tle tired of Chocoreve [even though that blog has some amaz­ing moments] so I threw this in the blogroll in its place. Brace your­self for tons of weird music, post­ed faster that you can reload your rapid­share account.
  3. The new, yet not so new House is a Feel­ing. The team blog con­cept is great, except that undoubt­ed­ly every­one’s already over­com­mit­ted else­where [Back and Forth, RIP] and the blog just dies alone [though some a great repos­i­to­ries that should­n’t be delet­ed.] Ronan’s picked up the torch quite admirably here, with nice new mix­es appar­ent­ly almost daily.
  4. Try­ing to under­stand why the newest New Pornog­ra­phers song just isn’t that good, yet is still being post­ed every­where on the inter­net with an OMG tag. Just anoth­er instance of all your blogs are belong to us, I guess.
  5. Net­flix. Dream­girls and Kies­lows­ki. Where the hel­l’s the Waj­da war tril­o­gy though? Hav­ing been a ded­i­cat­ed employ­ee and devo­tee of brick and mor­tar rental since for­ev­er, this was a major step for me. It already makes a hell of a lot more sense than leav­ing the house to find titles that every oth­er nerd in town wants too. And new releas­es? Sweet. I can’t wait for the Ray­mond Bernard box to come out!