You might try getting out more often.

Since my plea for advice re: music to look out for I’ve got­ten sev­er­al love­ly respons­es. Thank you very much! A quick update on what’s hap­pen­ing with Black­mail Is My Life:

  • Major car pur­chase like tomor­row. Not music relat­ed, until you fac­tor in the sweet iPod jack Prius­es have standard.
  • Awe­some fun tak­ing pic­tures with Helen’s new cam­era. Way eas­i­er to break out than my dad­cam [see pho­to above.]
  • Ous­mane Sem­bene’s Black Girl arrives tomor­row via Netflix.
  • Fritz Lang’s M is a talkie masterpiece.
  • Want to see some­thing that will crack you up about Music 2.0? Look at all the asso­ci­at­ed icons! [See also those that appear beneath this post. How many of those social networking/bookmarking sites are still viable?]
  • Two mon­ster box­es to digest, 12 discs of prog and 2 com­pressed discs of heavy/extreme music, both inspired by that 1981 box that final­ly returned to my pos­ses­sion today after a two year loan.