I promise that you’ll only feel a pinch.

  • If you haven’t already seen Jon­estown, a doc­u­men­tary film about the Jon­estown mas­sacre, please do. Not only does it shed light on Jim Jones’ shad­owy world of deceit and con­trol, but it also gives evi­dence as to why folks would’ve been freaked out by social­ist utopi­ans. Of course, freaked out above and beyond the mas­sive Red para­noia that already held the coun­try in its grip. See also: Janet Reno and the Branch Davidians.
  • Fiery Fur­naces. Thurs­day night. After catch­ing their last show where they played as a post-hard­core unit with Jason Loewen­stein, I was reluc­tant to head out for this one. But they’re play­ing the North Star, so I can only hope the show will be woe­ful­ly under­at­tend­ed. They’re sup­posed to be play­ing new mate­r­i­al that will appear on their new album due this fall. So now my three favorite indie bands are releas­ing albums in the same year? Deci­sions, decisions.