It doesn’t change the fact that it’s outrageously expensive.

The first wave of reviews are in from all the usu­al sus­pects. [I’d link to David Pogue’s iPhone video diary, but it crashed on me and I sus­pect it’ll be doing that for a lit­tle while at least. Here’s Walt Moss­berg’s video instead.] It’s not sur­pris­ing that every­one loves the iPhone with few reser­va­tions, most notably that the inter­net con­nec­tion is dogged­ly slow when wi-fi is unavail­able. On that note, I can’t wait until AT&T total­ly sinks this oth­er­wise amaz­ing prod­uct with their hor­ri­ble ser­vice. [You’ve changed your name, but we still know who you are!]

I’ll be doing on-the-spot inter­views with folks wait­ing out­side the AT&T store on 16th this Fri­day start­ing in the ear­ly morn­ing for a video seg­ment at Com­cast, just to see if any­one can artic­u­late a ratio­nale for buy­ing a $600 cell­phone that Apple will prob­a­bly update [read: improve dra­mat­i­cal­ly] in less than 6 months. [I wish I could link to that video, which is only avail­able to high-speed inter­net sub­scribers, alas.]