Are you gonna finish your fries?

Lil’ Wayne’s Da Drought 3 mix­tape got on my radar yes­ter­day morn­ing. Last night it made it’s way into my top ten list. I know, I know: mea cul­pa, mea cul­pa, mea max­i­ma cul­pa. Maybe it’s this year’s Fish­scale or Hell Hath No Fury. Call me a tokenist, but I don’t think I’m alone in think­ing that hiphop is dry­ing up. Hell, Ryan Dom­bal’s review of Weezy’s mix­tape says as much [and so do sev­er­al oth­er crit­ics] and I’m inclined to agree.

Now that I’m lis­ten­ing to pret­ty much every­thing that comes down the pike as far as major label releas­es go, it’s a desert. I’m look­ing for that oasis, but I’ll take an oil well in a pinch.

But don’t take my word for it. Dis­cov­er it your­self.