But what if Angela Lansbury committed all those murders herself?

  • Sure I’m late to this, but check out KYW’s video about May­or Street’s iPhone sna­fu and you’ll find me hold­ing a mic. Here’s the footage we got with the May­or as well as the woman who con­front­ed him with a spe­cial guest appear­ance by Lar­ry West!
  • I had an amaz­ing talk with Matthew and Eleanor Fried­berg­er at last Thurs­day’s show. I’ll have a full report of what I saw and jot­ted down at my work blog short­ly. The new stuff sound­ed good, very good [“Restora­tive Beer”] and for the fans out there it won’t be the trop­i­calia record that folks expect­ed. Con­fi­den­tial to the world: this may just be the record where they real­ly reach for the brass ring. I for one can’t wait to hear it.
  • Oh yeah, work blog. I’ll be sure to link there once it launch­es. Be gen­tle — we’re just now learn­ing that the inter­net can be used in many ways to reach dif­fer­ent audi­ences. I hope to have an eclec­tic mix of stuff once it’s up and running.