- Why oh why did Paper Thin Walls get the roughest redesign since Chris Ott beset Perfect Sound Forever with monochromatic grey? I love the new features [well, at least the streaming album stuff] but it’s presented in such a jumble. And now my old home the Bullhorn looks blander than a bowl of cool porridge. Did someone read No Logo or something?
- I’m working on a response to Gerd Leonard’s open letter to the music industry.
- Re item one right up there: how many successful social networking sites are ‘doing things right’, i.e. getting permissions and paying for content? It’s noble to say the very least, but I can’t tell if it makes any sense at least in terms of Leonard’s open letter. We’re living in a world where it’s easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission after all.
- Summer feels like a new music drought. With so many bands, why don’t they use say Pitchfork’s summer festival as an opportunity to punch up the slowest season of the year?
- I’m not surprised this happened. See above. In fairness, it’s a nice album and it’s foolish to think that Spoon will ever perfectly blend the genius of Girls Can Tell with Kill the Moonlight’s abject minimalism, so this is probably as good as it gets.