You’ve got your cherry bomb!

  • Why oh why did Paper Thin Walls get the rough­est redesign since Chris Ott beset Per­fect Sound For­ev­er with mono­chro­mat­ic grey? I love the new fea­tures [well, at least the stream­ing album stuff] but it’s pre­sent­ed in such a jum­ble. And now my old home the Bull­horn looks bland­er than a bowl of cool por­ridge. Did some­one read No Logo or something?
  • I’m work­ing on a response to Gerd Leonard’s open let­ter to the music industry.
  • Re item one right up there: how many suc­cess­ful social net­work­ing sites are ‘doing things right’, i.e. get­ting per­mis­sions and pay­ing for con­tent? It’s noble to say the very least, but I can’t tell if it makes any sense at least in terms of Leonard’s open let­ter. We’re liv­ing in a world where it’s eas­i­er to beg for­give­ness than ask per­mis­sion after all.
  • Sum­mer feels like a new music drought. With so many bands, why don’t they use say Pitch­fork’s sum­mer fes­ti­val as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to punch up the slow­est sea­son of the year?
  • I’m not sur­prised this hap­pened. See above. In fair­ness, it’s a nice album and it’s fool­ish to think that Spoon will ever per­fect­ly blend the genius of Girls Can Tell with Kill the Moon­light’s abject min­i­mal­ism, so this is prob­a­bly as good as it gets.