A quick one while I’m away.

Things are busier than ever. This week I also start full-time, which is pret­ty excit­ing. I’m work­ing on a new blog [still in stag­ing] for work that I’m real­ly excit­ed about. It’s not any­thing spe­cial yet, but the pos­si­bil­i­ties, o the pos­si­bil­i­ties! I can’t wait for it to launch and grow into some­thing more sophisticated.

Even more inter­est­ing for me at least is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of attend­ing music fes­ti­vals for work next year. SXSW is a no brain­er, but what oth­er fes­ti­vals are worth attend­ing, either here in the States or abroad? Drop sug­ges­tions in the com­ments or shoot me an email.

  • Vengeance is Mine: Ima­mu­ra’s grit­ty thriller had the look of my favorite Fukasaku films, but a much more nuanced, per­son­al feel, which made it a grip­ping, fright­en­ing sto­ry about a mur­der­er liv­ing right out in the open.
  • Day for Night:  How I did­n’t see this in my first year as a video store clerk is beyond me. Truf­faut’s take on the film­mak­ing process is much like 8 1/2, a beau­ti­ful, dizzy­ing homage to his favorite films, direc­tors and stars.
  • Attend­ed the Phillies 10,000th loss, entire­ly by coin­ci­dence. We bought tick­ets to see the World Cham­pi­ons return to Philadel­phia back in March hav­ing no idea that they’d drop the 10,000th loss with such keen ignominy. Mis­sion accom­plished. The fol­low­ing night Jamie Moy­er got us start­ed on our way toward 20,000.