- Down here in Wildwood, enjoying some wi-fi, trying not to get too much sun all at once, watching the Phils mount yet another comeback, posting 10 runs on the woeful Pirates.
- Double meanwhile: I’m talking with this guy about completely overhauling Blackmail Is My Life, moving it off of /blog to its rightful dot com home with an entirely new look, new features, everything. I’m trawling around the web looking for neat ideas, widgets, anything useful to make BMIML more interesting for you…and for me. [This is my cryptic way of saying that a big part of why I’m often remiss in writing anything longer than the blurby copy I do at work lately is that I’m kinda tired of looking at this blog myself and I imagine you might be too. I want to change that. Hit me with suggestions, links to things you like and so forth right there in the comments.]
- Lastly: almost done with V. Predictably I’ve got a bit of Pynchon fever, but I just caught up with one of my English profs from St. Joe’s and she highly recommended David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas, which is going to be my beach reading for the rest of the week.