A schlemihl takes a vacation.

  • Down here in Wild­wood, enjoy­ing some wi-fi, try­ing not to get too much sun all at once, watch­ing the Phils mount yet anoth­er come­back, post­ing 10 runs on the woe­ful Pirates.
  • Dou­ble mean­while: I’m talk­ing with this guy about com­plete­ly over­haul­ing Black­mail Is My Life, mov­ing it off of /blog to its right­ful dot com home with an entire­ly new look, new fea­tures, every­thing. I’m trawl­ing around the web look­ing for neat ideas, wid­gets, any­thing use­ful to make BMIML more inter­est­ing for you…and for me. [This is my cryp­tic way of say­ing that a big part of why I’m often remiss in writ­ing any­thing longer than the blur­by copy I do at work late­ly is that I’m kin­da tired of look­ing at this blog myself and I imag­ine you might be too. I want to change that. Hit me with sug­ges­tions, links to things you like and so forth right there in the comments.]
  • Last­ly: almost done with V. Pre­dictably I’ve got a bit of Pyn­chon fever, but I just caught up with one of my Eng­lish profs from St. Joe’s and she high­ly rec­om­mend­ed David Mitchel­l’s Cloud Atlas, which is going to be my beach read­ing for the rest of the week.