- Just finished V. Don’t know what I think about it yet. My short response is I think we’d be much better off if more political novels were written that way, that is, circumspect in their analysis of right and wrong, while preserving a strident moral clarity. Maybe Kurt Mondaugen’s story embarrassed Pynchon as a crude analogy to the Holocaust, but the voyeurism and sadism captured therein is without equal when it comes to eroticized political violence.
- Completely shifting gears: I’m hooked on Xbox 360. Really. This new game Bioshock is unbelievably beautiful and pretty horrifying at the same time. Be my friend on Xbox Live — my username is Mutant Disco!
- Other things I’m into right now: local blogs. I’ve been reading The Poverty Jet Set and Fun Vampires religiously lately for a number of reasons. When I first started blogging I thought it was best to maintain some sort of narrow focus and cultivate an ‘expert’s’ perspective. I’m off that now. Well off. I’m thrilled to read blogs that incorporate multimedia extravaganza and are all over the place in their coverage. Sure I still read plenty of rigorously narrow blogs, the latest addition being End(-)of(-)World Music (via Zoilus).
- Also God & a Bottle. In the scant five plus months I’ve been at the new gig, I’ve found myself seeking out blogs well-established critics who ended up in new media somehow or other. Joe Keyes has been doing his thing for quite some time and I’ve been reading him just about that long. Since I rarely ever pick up whichever local weekly he’s writing for here in Philly anymore, I usually swing by his blog to catch up on his latest musings. And it’s a great opportunity to be reminded which movies I’m not seeing because I don’t live in NYC anymore. It’s always great to read someone who’s already churning out loads of copy everywhere, yet finds time to take a deep breath and just get out those random, summarizing thoughts that order wildly disparate projects.
- Swing by and read Bryan’s Max Roach obit, written through a review of Money Jungle.
- What’s next? Lawrence Williams’ The Fiery Furnace, How to Eat Your Watermelon in White Company (and Enjoy It), This is England and way more Bioshock.
- I’m crazy looking forward to launching BMIML 2.0.