The laws have changed.

As the New Pornog­ra­phers’ new­ness ends, their fans seem to grow more irri­tat­ing. Con­fi­den­tial to Rob Mitchum: brace your­self for some ridicu­lous hatemail. [NB: Mitchum’s dig on Elec­tric Ver­sion real­ly cap­tured how betrayed I felt by that album…and every last blog­ger falling over itself to con­grat­u­late New Pornog­ra­phers for repeat­ing his­to­ry. They did­n’t. Nice songs, though. Then again, I fell in love with Mass Roman­tic and that first tour, which pret­ty much ruined all but a few moments subsequently.]

As an aside, that New Pornog­ra­phers thread from ILX points up every­thing that’s changed about the mes­sage board since I first found my way to it ca. ’04. Three years lat­er there’s no one jump­ing in to set the record straight, except my old Sty­lus col­league, Mr. Alfred Soto. Thanks for that.

One response to “The laws have changed.”

  1. Alfred Avatar

    Ha! Thanks, bro. I’d no idea I said any­thing significant!