- It feels really good to be able to make M.I.A.‘s Kala my pick of the week at work.
- I really need to follow Jason Herskowitz’s lead and just jump into the fray of Web 2.0 and test everything — which is me inviting you to make suggestions about communities you use. That said, I fully expect my new About page in BMIML 2.0 to be littered with badges from these things. In fact, I’ve just joined Good Reads, so expect that to replace my Library Thing membership soon! [Oh and yeah, I’m on MyStrands now too!]
- Meanwhile I’m trying to pull a panel together [albeit a bit late] for SXSW and sort out travel plans already. It’s not until March! I can’t wait though! And yes, if you search these archives you’ll find that I’ve spent the better part of my life bemoaning these promotional orgies and all the bbq posts on blogs everywhere. Expect that all to change when I take a camera crew with me next spring!