Things move very quickly sometimes.

  • It feels real­ly good to be able to make M.I.A.‘s Kala my pick of the week at work.
  • I real­ly need to fol­low Jason Her­skow­itz’s lead and just jump into the fray of Web 2.0 and test every­thing — which is me invit­ing you to make sug­ges­tions about com­mu­ni­ties you use. That said, I ful­ly expect my new About page in BMIML 2.0 to be lit­tered with badges from these things. In fact, I’ve just joined Good Reads, so expect that to replace my Library Thing mem­ber­ship soon! [Oh and yeah, I’m on MyS­trands now too!]
  • Mean­while I’m try­ing to pull a pan­el togeth­er [albeit a bit late] for SXSW and sort out trav­el plans already. It’s not until March! I can’t wait though! And yes, if you search these archives you’ll find that I’ve spent the bet­ter part of my life bemoan­ing these pro­mo­tion­al orgies and all the bbq posts on blogs every­where. Expect that all to change when I take a cam­era crew with me next spring!