There’s at least one thing I have in common with T.I.

And it’s not just ini­tials. I’m very excit­ed about a few things in the off­ing at my day job. I’ll be sure to post links to them when they run. Big things, friends. In all hon­esty, it’s amaz­ing to have a job that I a.) real­ly care about and b.) care about because I’m allowed to do pret­ty much what I want with respect to cov­er­ing music and c.) because I get paid to do it. Hav­ing a vehi­cle like Blind­ed by the Hype! allows me the free­dom to cov­er stuff out­side the AP feed [and it’s a big world out there] and start devel­op­ing ideas for the future by lay­ing the ground­work now. Onward and upward, for real.

Oth­er developments:

  • Last week I came to a real­iza­tion that I think a lot of folks who nev­er were exact­ly ‘career-mind­ed’ have: I think I need a smart phone, specif­i­cal­ly the Black­ber­ry Curve. I’m in shock too. It also makes me wish that the iPhone was much cheaper.
  • Anoth­er rab­bit­hole ventured.
  • This is Eng­land real­ly makes me want to watch Jubilee and Rat­catch­er again.
  • Lat­er this week: BMIML 2.0 commences!

2 responses to “There’s at least one thing I have in common with T.I.”

  1. baconfat Avatar


  2. Blackmail Avatar

    black­mail is my life update meet­ing sched­uled for thurs­day night. i’m tak­ing the whole thing to and re-upping. can’t wait.