Note to publicists:

If you’re still send­ing cds [this was almost full stop], they should at least be playable on the com­put­er, iPod, whathavey­ou. As much as I love inde­pen­dent artists and the music they make, I can’t spend time I don’t have lis­ten­ing to it at home when I could just as eas­i­ly lis­ten and enjoy on the train, or on a walk to the train.

More impor­tant­ly, think about the envi­ron­ment and just send a zip file, okay? Your music isn’t so impor­tant that it’s worth destroy­ing the plan­et, even if your breath­less prose pro­claims it so.

2 responses to “Note to publicists:”

  1. Nicole Avatar

    In my ide­al world, all music could pur­chased via zip file. I always rips CDs imme­di­ate­ly and then I feel guilty about the idea of throw­ing out the CD. Grrr.

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    I think one of things that’s real­ly bad about how music is being mar­ket­ed today is that you’re not alone. As the after-mar­ket for used cds dries up, we’re left with count­less jew­el cas­es and cds ulti­mate­ly tak­ing up space in land­fills, lest they take up pre­cious space in bed­room clos­ets, base­ments and attics.