So far this has been an incredible year. After getting my full-time gig at Comcast, I’ve been very excited and ambitious about what my job can mean to me. In just a few short months I’ve been able to do things I never thought I’d be doing as a job, like covering SXSW for work [wait ’til you seen me On Demand] and getting things like Radiohead’s New Year’s Eve concert for the site. It’s hard to know what’s next, but in a way I never have before, I’m really thinking about how to make my job interesting to my audience and myself.
Shockingly, this was all brought about by working with Chris Weingarten and Brandon Stosuy on Paper Thin Walls in its formative stages about a year ago. It all began when I first learned about the site, and like a lot of struggling critics, contacted Chris about contributing. Before I knew it, I was fact-checking submissions for ’06’s year-end mixtape and submitting bullhorns for their hilarious newsfeed. I did a little research for a PLUG Awards sketch and suddenly found myself being pulled into for my work at PTW.
2007 was pretty great too, considering I got hired in April as a freelancer and started fulltime in September. On the other hand, 2007 brought tragic news, as my father broke his hip in a fall and was later diagnosed with late stage Parkinson’s disease. This has been a learning experience for me, and has fortunately helped me have a closer relationship with my dad, something I never expected would happen after suffering some pretty serious setbacks earlier in the year.
But this is a new year, and I’m looking forward to Blackmail Is My Life being an outlet for me, free of the pulpy, blurby copy I write day in and day out. That’s fun, but not quite as rewarding as chewing up cultural artifacts and digesting them in longer form. I’m realizing now how self-indulgent this is; as blogs declared their mastery over web magazines, there was a fundamental shift in the way readers snuck a little time to ‘discover’ music, movies, books or anything on the web. In spite of that, I’m going to be better about writing here this year and really try to commit. I’m not alone in making these resolutions, and it’ll be tough to keep, but I’m going to give it a shot.
One response to “Looking ahead.”
Promise Keepers represent!