A farewell to blogs.

If you’re into read­ing brainy music blogs that don’t get mired in jar­gon, you already miss Woe­bot tremen­dous­ly. I’m one of those people.

The past year saw the dis­ap­pear­ance of Sty­lus Mag­a­zine too, a webzine that got me back on my music-writer­ly feet after a mis­er­able audi­tion at Pitch­fork. Sty­lus was the Mon­tre­al Expos of music crit­i­cism; writ­ing there meant that your record reviews would be noticed by peo­ple who could pay and edi­tor Todd Burns did an amaz­ing job re-invent­ing the mag­a­zine as writ­ers came and went. A tremen­dous labor of love, Sty­lus pre­sent­ed an alter­na­tive to Pitch­fork when it mat­tered most, earn­ing a read­er­ship as can­tan­ker­ous as its con­trib­u­tors, and a lega­cy that lives on in the suc­cess of those who wrote there.
