Best music writing.

I just sub­mit­ted this for con­sid­er­a­tion. If you haven’t already read the Deci­blog’s scathing, suc­cinct take­down of the mar­ket­ing plan for the Mars Volta’s new album, you should. The usb stick gim­mick gives the mid­dle fin­ger to the envi­ron­ment in ways I can­not com­pre­hend. Has the record indus­try not heard of email? Try meet­ing the con­sumer where they live. It’s cheaper!

2 responses to “Best music writing.”

  1. Mark Avatar

    Whoa, those com­ments are pret­ty harsh. Dang. But yeah, wtf is up with the usb thing? Lame. Do not want.

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    I don’t get the USB fetish per­son­al­ly, but I know from a recent dis­cus­sion with folks behind the USB phe­nom­e­non that they are very attached to the notion.