Still under construction, still listening.

I’m find­ing that one of my excus­es for not writ­ing here more reg­u­lar­ly is that I’m real­ly tired of look­ing at the cur­rent incar­na­tion of Black­mail Is My Life. I’m real­ly psy­ched to update the links to all the new blogs I’m read­ing now that I’ve been intro­duced to a num­ber of great local food blogs via the Pover­ty Jet Set.

What I’m lis­ten­ing to right now:

  • Bon Iver — For Emma, For­ev­er Ago. Com­plete­ly blown away by this album after being prac­ti­cal­ly choked to death on hype. It’s worth it.
  • Black Moun­tain — In the Future. I reg­is­tered my ini­tial reac­tion over at the Scowl, and after lis­ten­ing again this morn­ing, still feel like Black Moun­tain squan­dered their chance to expand the Stones-meet-Krautrock vibe into some­thing excit­ing if not inter­est­ing, instead of min­ing this half-baked ‘met­al’ trope.

That’s the update for now. I should know more about the sta­tus of nu-BMIML this week. Thanks for stick­ing with me in the meantime!