I’m finding that one of my excuses for not writing here more regularly is that I’m really tired of looking at the current incarnation of Blackmail Is My Life. I’m really psyched to update the links to all the new blogs I’m reading now that I’ve been introduced to a number of great local food blogs via the Poverty Jet Set.
What I’m listening to right now:
- Bon Iver — For Emma, Forever Ago. Completely blown away by this album after being practically choked to death on hype. It’s worth it.
- Black Mountain — In the Future. I registered my initial reaction over at the Scowl, and after listening again this morning, still feel like Black Mountain squandered their chance to expand the Stones-meet-Krautrock vibe into something exciting if not interesting, instead of mining this half-baked ‘metal’ trope.
That’s the update for now. I should know more about the status of nu-BMIML this week. Thanks for sticking with me in the meantime!