There’s a first and last time for everything.

This will be my first and last SXSW Music Fes­ti­val. I was ini­tial­ly very excit­ed to cov­er the event for my day job, only to be denied press cre­den­tials. Our pitch was to cov­er the fes­ti­val as a trav­el­ogue with a cranky crit­ic — think Three Sheets with a some­what more sober Zane Lam­prey — but now we’re free to be much cranki­er since we won’t be able to access events that make this par­tic­u­lar pro­mo­tion­al orgy so spe­cial. Hav­ing said that, I’m still look­ing for­ward to doing stuff with lots of music crit­ic friends, whether it’s cov­er­ing one of Stere­ogum’s day par­ties or kvetch­ing on cam­era with Mau­ra and Jess from Idol­a­tor. This should be a very fun and fun­ny expe­ri­ence and I’ll be sure to let you know when and where you can see it!

Then again, should I have just lis­tened to Bob Lef­setz? When an orga­ni­za­tion like SXSW can’t work with one of the biggest por­tals on the inter­net, some­thing’s real­ly gone haywire.

One response to “There’s a first and last time for everything.”

  1. baconfat Avatar

    Boo. Hiss.