This will be my first and last SXSW Music Festival. I was initially very excited to cover the event for my day job, only to be denied press credentials. Our pitch was to cover the festival as a travelogue with a cranky critic — think Three Sheets with a somewhat more sober Zane Lamprey — but now we’re free to be much crankier since we won’t be able to access events that make this particular promotional orgy so special. Having said that, I’m still looking forward to doing stuff with lots of music critic friends, whether it’s covering one of Stereogum’s day parties or kvetching on camera with Maura and Jess from Idolator. This should be a very fun and funny experience and I’ll be sure to let you know when and where you can see it!
Then again, should I have just listened to Bob Lefsetz? When an organization like SXSW can’t work with one of the biggest portals on the internet, something’s really gone haywire.
One response to “There’s a first and last time for everything.”
Boo. Hiss.