A reductionist’s take on Heretic Pride.

I’ve nev­er been a Moun­tain Goats fan, though I can sense that at one point in his­to­ry I might’ve been, were it not for the exis­tence of the Smiths, R.E.M., et. al. Or anoth­er time when lo-fi was all that mat­tered, but I felt some­how more con­nect­ed to Pave­ment, Son­ic Youth, et. al. So when The Sun­set Tree rolls around and every­one is excit­ed, I’m not, but I chalk that up to a theme with which I can’t real­ly relate. But here’s Heretic Pride and there’s not a blog on the inter­net not post­ing an mp3 and all I can think about is an earnest, lit­er­ate Tena­cious D (cough) being front­ed by David Sedaris.

Check “Sax Rohmer #1′ out for your­self at Paper Thin Walls.

One response to “A reductionist’s take on Heretic Pride.”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    He’s a good lyri­cist but for the most part, Darnielle nev­er did it for me either.