The sanest thing I’ve read about politics lately.

Matt Taib­bi at the Smirk­ing Chimp writes:

In Barack Oba­ma ver­sus Hillary Clin­ton, we’ve basi­cal­ly got Kennedy-Nixon redux, and I mean that in the most neg­a­tive pos­si­ble sense for both of them — a pair of super­fi­cial, pos­tur­ing con­ser­v­a­tives sell­ing high­ly sim­i­lar polit­i­cal pack­ages using dif­fer­ent emo­tion­al strate­gies. Oba­ma is sell­ing free trade and employ­er-based health care and an unclear Iraqi exit strat­e­gy using looks, charis­ma and opti­mism, while Hillary is sell­ing much the same using hard, cold real­i­ty, “prose not poet­ry,” man­age­r­i­al com­pe­tence over “vision.”

This sums up my sen­ti­ments on this elec­tion bet­ter than any­thing I’ve read since this far­ci­cal elec­tion sea­son began.