Want to hear something awesome?

Check out Rup­ture’s Mud­dUp! great pod­cast at WFMU. Wait until the Dex­plic­it exclu­sive. Then wait for the ‘Kiss Kiss’ remix. I’m fond of that song, and the New Young Pony Club remix too. It’s rare that I put the words ‘great’ and ‘pod­cast’ togeth­er, but Rup­ture’s a natural.

3 responses to “Want to hear something awesome?”

  1. Alfred Avatar

    This was real­ly cool. Thanks!

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    Hap­py to point it out! I need some respite from my non­stop Brit­ney cov­er­age at the day job.

  3. Alfred Avatar

    Can’t seem to find your email. I want to dis­cuss your thoughts about “Oil!”; I haven’t for­got­ten what you said about your com­par­isons with the film. Refute my tweedy acumen.