You may notice some changes.

A few quick things:

  1. I’ve delet­ed my account. First off, it was a pret­ty lame social net­work. Sec­ond, the thought of Microsoft mak­ing it even less fun chilled me to the core. I’m going with Google cal­en­dar from here on out. Flickr makes me ner­vous too., both bor­ing and use­ful, seems per­fect­ly adapt­able to the Microsoft hivemind.
  2. If you have a rec­om­men­da­tion for a Mac-friend­ly FTP client [web-based pre­ferred], let me know. I’m look­ing for one that isn’t such a chore.
  3. As always, if you know of a great blog that you’re sure I’m not read­ing, please let me know about it! If it’s yours, that’s fine too! I just rearranged my feed read­er and I’m look­ing to bal­ance out the Val­ley­wags and Sil­i­con Alley Insid­ers with more food, wine, music and movie blogs. Help me out!
  4. So remem­ber how I won that fit club thing back in ’06 and then grad­u­al­ly back­slid after get­ting laid off? Well, here’s me redeem­ing myself by get­ting back to the gym and start­ing off with a train­er to help whip me into shape. There’s a full slate of great run­ning events ahead and I intend to take part in most of them, includ­ing the Broad St. Run and the Philly marathon in Novem­ber. Wish me luck!

3 responses to “You may notice some changes.”

  1. baconfat Avatar

    i believe it was stephen malk­mus who once sport­ed a t‑shirt that said “run­ning sucks”

  2. Mark Avatar

    Upcom­ing is not the great­est, no. Do you like

    I use Trans­mit for FTP, but it’s a desk­top app. But I do love it.

    As for new blogs… how about my favorite music blog (you prob­a­bly already know about): Goril­la vs. Bear

  3. Eric Avatar

    i use “fetch” for ftp stuff. it’s worked great for me, and i’m real dumb.