File under personal goals, achieved.

Looks like my first and only for­ay into the SXSW wilder­ness may be a suc­cess. From the way things sound right now, I should be sit­ting down to talk with my child­hood heroes R.E.M. in Austin. This is great because I’m pret­ty sure it’s the first inter­view I’ll con­duct where I’m gen­uine­ly enthused about talk­ing with an artist and not sim­ply inter­view­ing some­one because I’m play­ing some sort of hype cycle whack-a-mole in the hopes of get­ting pub­lished and paid.

2 responses to “File under personal goals, achieved.”

  1. baconfat Avatar

    make sure you ask them why they went back on their word when they said that there’d be no r.e.m. with­out buck/berry/mills/stipe. had they hung it up after New Adven­tures and not put out those increas­ing­ly crap­tac­u­lar records and then done an eager­ly-antic­i­pat­ed reunion tour (with all 4 orig­i­nal mem­bers), they’d be held in much high­er esteem by folks like myself right now.

    ask they why they chose to tour with space­hog, too. what a dumb move.

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    Ha I saw that Space­hog tour! I thought that they were sup­posed to break up in 2000 no mat­ter what hap­pened, which would’ve pre­vent­ed Reveal and Around the Sun. I can live with Up. In fact, I sort of like Up.