Looks like my first and only foray into the SXSW wilderness may be a success. From the way things sound right now, I should be sitting down to talk with my childhood heroes R.E.M. in Austin. This is great because I’m pretty sure it’s the first interview I’ll conduct where I’m genuinely enthused about talking with an artist and not simply interviewing someone because I’m playing some sort of hype cycle whack-a-mole in the hopes of getting published and paid.
2 responses to “File under personal goals, achieved.”
make sure you ask them why they went back on their word when they said that there’d be no r.e.m. without buck/berry/mills/stipe. had they hung it up after New Adventures and not put out those increasingly craptacular records and then done an eagerly-anticipated reunion tour (with all 4 original members), they’d be held in much higher esteem by folks like myself right now.
ask they why they chose to tour with spacehog, too. what a dumb move.
Ha I saw that Spacehog tour! I thought that they were supposed to break up in 2000 no matter what happened, which would’ve prevented Reveal and Around the Sun. I can live with Up. In fact, I sort of like Up.