One last word on Vampire Weekend.

I think the thing that’s most aggra­vat­ing about Vam­pire Week­end’s crit­i­cal epicy­cle is that there’s this absolute need to be ‘right’ about the album, and that it’s not sim­ply enough to write it off as clever pop that a lis­ten­er can take or leave. The com­ments on that blog post com­plete­ly suck the fun out of music crit­i­cism. This isn’t to say that get­ting the details right isn’t impor­tant — it is — but why make the exer­cise such a total dickwave?

It’s stuff like this that gave me the thought today that, as much as the indus­try’s hurt­ing itself, music crit­i­cis­m’s fin­ish­ing the job.