File under expect the unexpected.

There are a few things we’ve been work­ing on that I don’t gen­er­al­ly share since they’re either busi­ness-relat­ed and there­fore a bit secret, or seem so impos­si­ble that I psy­che myself out that they’ll ever happen.

Well, on the day the R.E.M. inter­view fell through [could­n’t lis­ten to the new album any­way, thanks to the ridicu­lous water­mark,] I find out that I’ll be spend­ing some two hours with Mari­ah Fri­day after­noon to talk about her new album and what­ev­er else she’s work­ing on, diet­ing tips, pol­i­tics, what­ev­er comes up.

One response to “File under expect the unexpected.”

  1. baconfat Avatar

    oh jesus, mari­ah. that’s a fate worse than death, jt. ask her if she knows what melis­ma is, and if she can plz turn that shit off.