I’m literally drowning in new music, no thanks to the publicists who send me countless emails to at least three email addresses and rarely deliver any actual music. I know that it’s passe to complain about publicists and that most people find ways around them anyway, but I feel that if bands knew how mismanaged their publicity game is, they’d be outraged.
Yesterday I enjoyed Fleet Foxes’ Ragged Road and MGMT’s Oracular Spectacular very much, though both made me wonder whether dance rock was making its long-awaited return, or if this is just ‘folktronica’ happening all over again. In any case, Oracular Spectacular reminded me just how long it’s been since the Flaming Lips burst back onto the scene with The Soft Bulletin. It also taught me again that I really need to listen to these insanely hyped albums mainly because the blogs describing them tend to miss what makes them so hyped in the first place.
One response to “I’m a little overwhelmed.”
I guess there could be worse things to be downing in. 😉