I’m a little overwhelmed.

I’m lit­er­al­ly drown­ing in new music, no thanks to the pub­li­cists who send me count­less emails to at least three email address­es and rarely deliv­er any actu­al music. I know that it’s passe to com­plain about pub­li­cists and that most peo­ple find ways around them any­way, but I feel that if bands knew how mis­man­aged their pub­lic­i­ty game is, they’d be outraged.

Yes­ter­day I enjoyed Fleet Fox­es’ Ragged Road and MGMT’s Orac­u­lar Spec­tac­u­lar very much, though both made me won­der whether dance rock was mak­ing its long-await­ed return, or if this is just ‘folk­tron­i­ca’ hap­pen­ing all over again. In any case, Orac­u­lar Spec­tac­u­lar remind­ed me just how long it’s been since the Flam­ing Lips burst back onto the scene with The Soft Bul­letin. It also taught me again that I real­ly need to lis­ten to these insane­ly hyped albums main­ly because the blogs describ­ing them tend to miss what makes them so hyped in the first place.

One response to “I’m a little overwhelmed.”

  1. Mark Avatar

    I guess there could be worse things to be down­ing in. 😉