I was catching up on Valleywag this morning — they have SXSW too, and it’s even nerdier — when I came across this item that caught my eye. Mahalo CEO Jason Calcanis writes:
Don’t buy a phone system. No one will use it. No one at Mahalo has a desk phone except the admin folks. Everyone else is on IRC, chat, and their cell phone. Everyone has a cell phone, folks would rather get calls on it, and 99% of communication is NOT on the phone. Savings? At least $500 a year per person… 50 people over three years? $75–100k [Emphasis mine.]
What I’ve found last week is that if you want something to be done, whether it’s set up a meeting or an interview, it’s still happening on the phone. I can wave all sorts of things at publicists to get their attention, but unless I call and let them know I’m serious, nothing happens. At all.