Another quick update:
- I’m tweeting like a fool here. Even if you think Twitter isn’t for you, you should just give it a try. It won’t hurt you, and it might even be a bit of fun. Really!
- I had a great meeting to discuss the redesign of this very blog last Wednesday. It’s going to be so much simpler, cleaner and easier to read. It may seem silly, but there’s something about working on a site that a lot of people use everyday to change your mind about web design.
- We bought Phillies season tickets. Seventeen games. We’re sitting right behind Pat Burrell in left. It’s going to be exciting as long as the Phils don’t go 0 for April.
- We’re getting stuff done to the house too! We got a quote on pouring concrete in the backyard that was very reasonable. It should be done soon, meaning all kinds of BBQ madness all summer long.
- We’re sharing a full share from Greensgrow with our friends Dan and Marissa. Greensgrow’s just around the corner from us and we’re thrilled to have re-upped with them for another season of great, fresh food. If you want to know more about what they’re up to, watch this video that Phoodie shot recently.
- Also, Memphis Taproom will be open soon!