Things I’m working on.

Anoth­er quick update:

  • I’m tweet­ing like a fool here. Even if you think Twit­ter isn’t for you, you should just give it a try. It won’t hurt you, and it might even be a bit of fun. Really!
  • I had a great meet­ing to dis­cuss the redesign of this very blog last Wednes­day. It’s going to be so much sim­pler, clean­er and eas­i­er to read. It may seem sil­ly, but there’s some­thing about work­ing on a site that a lot of peo­ple use every­day to change your mind about web design.
  • We bought Phillies sea­son tick­ets. Sev­en­teen games. We’re sit­ting right behind Pat Bur­rell in left. It’s going to be excit­ing as long as the Phils don’t go 0 for April.
  • We’re get­ting stuff done to the house too! We got a quote on pour­ing con­crete in the back­yard that was very rea­son­able. It should be done soon, mean­ing all kinds of BBQ mad­ness all sum­mer long.
  • We’re shar­ing a full share from Greens­grow with our friends Dan and Maris­sa. Greens­grow’s just around the cor­ner from us and we’re thrilled to have re-upped with them for anoth­er sea­son of great, fresh food. If you want to know more about what they’re up to, watch this video that Phood­ie shot recently.
  • Also, Mem­phis Tap­room will be open soon!