Looks like we have a winner.

I had a great con­ver­sa­tion with Chris from Click­Pop­Me­dia Sat­ur­day about the future of this blog. Let’s say it’s very bright. What’s in store, you ask? Think gal­lons of data flow­ing through the strip: I’m not going to go nuts and try to dri­ve every­thing I cram into Friend­Feed in here, but there’ll be plen­ty of con­tent com­ing in from all over.

Is there a hint of data fetishism rac­ing around the web right now? Absolute­ly. Can it be a lot of fun? Total­ly. In fact, that’s the basis for pulling my Twit­ter, Tum­blr, Flickr, Mux­tape and more into Black­mail Is My Life. Addi­tion­al­ly, I’ll have tabs, prob­a­bly in the top nav­i­ga­tion, to my Google Shared Read­er Items and my cal­en­dar as well.

Sound good? I hope so.