Netflix Abandoning User Profiles

How can Net­flix pos­si­bly squan­der its rich oppor­tu­ni­ties to exploit its inher­ent­ly social fea­tures? When I got notice that user pro­files would be abol­ished effec­tive Sep­tem­ber 1st, I was aghast. Why would any site elim­i­nate such a use­ful tool for its users as they try to avail them­selves of the vast con­tent offer­ing in an orga­nized man­ner? As some­one who was on the front­lines of the video rental bat­tle, this news came as noth­ing but a shock.

So while I’m still scratch­ing my head over this asi­nine deci­sion, so you can only imag­ine how delight­ed I was to read yes­ter­day that even not­ed tech colum­nist David Pogue could­n’t squeeze an answer out of them. I hold out hope that Net­flix will see the error of its ways and seek to cor­rect their decision.