Try FriendFeed

I know you’re prob­a­bly com­plete­ly under­whelmed by Twit­ter and its tech­ni­cal glitch­es, so maybe it’s time to con­sid­er using Friend­Feed. At first it’s prob­a­bly a lit­tle too much Web 2.0 to process, but if you give it a chance you’ll find your­self spend­ing way less time pok­ing around the web to see what your friends are up to, whether they’re post­ing pho­tos to Flickr, updat­ing their blog, or tweet­ing. It’s one of the most con­ve­nient ways to stay con­nect­ed with friends on the web and with a few tweaks could be an out­stand­ing social media plat­form. It’s a great way to con­dense all the social media you keep get­ting invit­ed to join into one help­ful location.

If you’re afraid you won’t know any­one on Friend­Feed, you should sign up and add me!