Independent’s Day Music Conference

I’m going to be on a Music 2.0 pan­el on Sat­ur­day at Drex­el Uni­ver­si­ty. You can get the details here. You may wit­ness some unin­ten­tion­al hilar­i­ty as I talk about the Web 2.0 worm­hole and how it’s not rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the music indus­try, just frag­ment­ing it some more. Can you believe it’s been ten years since Nap­ster hit the scene? I think some of my col­lege class­mates still mourn the loss of Audiogalaxy.

As an added bonus, my smart Web 2.0 bud­dy Mark will be sit­ting on the pan­el with me as well. He’ll be talk­ing about his YVYNYL project, which is pret­ty neat.

2 thoughts on “Independent’s Day Music Conference

  1. I’m warm­ing up to this whole idea. I think it’ll be fun!

    BTW — when are you going to get that new blog skin? Word­Press Default is get­ting old. Haha

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