I’m going to be on a Music 2.0 panel on Saturday at Drexel University. You can get the details here. You may witness some unintentional hilarity as I talk about the Web 2.0 wormhole and how it’s not revolutionizing the music industry, just fragmenting it some more. Can you believe it’s been ten years since Napster hit the scene? I think some of my college classmates still mourn the loss of Audiogalaxy.
As an added bonus, my smart Web 2.0 buddy Mark will be sitting on the panel with me as well. He’ll be talking about his YVYNYL project, which is pretty neat.
I’m warming up to this whole idea. I think it’ll be fun!
BTW — when are you going to get that new blog skin? WordPress Default is getting old. Haha
I’m just waiting for Chris. I do need to mail him my copy of Blackmail Is My Life so he can get a sweet screengrab for the header.