My Defense of Beck’s New Album

I took some time yes­ter­day to read reviews of Beck­’s Mod­ern Guilt yes­ter­day and was dis­pleased with what I saw. Do I think it’s his great­est album? Nope. Do I think it holds up pret­ty well against his most recent mate­r­i­al? Absolute­ly. In fact, I think it’s the most under­rat­ed album of the year. Could it be 2008’s Sky Blue Sky, which no one admit­ted they liked until the year-end polls were announced? Maybe.

You can read my thoughts over at Blind­ed by the Hype. As you read it, ask your­self who’s tried to do what Beck­’s done at that lev­el for more than a decade. Here’s a hint: Chris Cor­nell isn’t an accept­able answer.

One thought on “My Defense of Beck’s New Album

  1. Cool write up on the new Beck album. I missed “The Infor­ma­tion” but I’ll give both a lis­ten. I enjoy the vari­ety of styles that Beck exper­i­ment­ed with in his ear­li­er albums.

    I think it’s inter­est­ing that you use Sky Blue Sky as a ref­er­ence point for Beck­’s mediocre recep­tion. Wilco albums, like Beck­’s, have rad­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent approach­es (and lev­els of crit­i­cal accep­tance) from one release to the next. Both artists explore out­side of the sounds and styles which were well-received in the past. How­ev­er, I’m not sure that I could go as far to say that Jeff Tweedy as a solo artist par­al­lels Beck­’s explo­ration. I agree with you that it’s dif­fi­cult to find some­one that has accom­plished what Beck has over his lengthy career. Dude’s almost 40!

    Was Sky Blue Sky not well received? I guess by the time the reviews were rolling in, I was already in love with it.

    I lis­tened to Sky Blue Sky via some one-night radio stream a few weeks before its release. I remem­ber it com­plete­ly blow­ing me away on first lis­ten. I think it may have even prompt­ed me to pur­chase Audio Hijack to rip the stream (and lat­er pur­chase three copies of the album/iTunes for self/gifts).

    I feel like some of Wilco’s best work is on that album. At least “Either Way” made me try and learn some fin­ger­pick­ing guitar. 🙂

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