Music Myths in the Internet Age

Hype­bot post­ed “5 Lies Indie Musi­cians Tell Them­selves” today. Each of these would’ve been great to dis­cuss on Sat­ur­day’s “Music 2.0” pan­el. They’re great con­ver­sa­tion starters about how the Inter­net has­n’t real­ly changed much for inde­pen­dent artists despite rumors to the contrary.

I absolute­ly agree that the Music 2.0 pan­el sand­wiched diverse top­ics togeth­er that did­n’t real­ly jibe. I felt like Kristin Thom­son from the Future of Music Coali­tion did a great job of mod­er­at­ing, but in a brief con­ver­sa­tion after the pan­el, admit­ted that she want­ed to focus on how new mod­els can help artists get their due. That more or less guar­an­teed that we as a pan­el would be view­ing the indus­try through rose-col­ored glass­es, some­thing I’d des­per­ate­ly hoped to avoid, sole­ly because it seems disin­gen­u­ous to do otherwise.