Marathon Training Report

If you’ve talked to me late­ly, you prob­a­bly know I’m train­ing for the Philadel­phia Marathon on Novem­ber 23. When I start­ed train­ing six weeks ago, I had no idea how good I’d feel now. I ran 10 miles today. Next week I’m run­ning 11. I’m break­ing per­son­al records each week! It’s been a great expe­ri­ence and I’m doc­u­ment­ing it (for the most part) over on my Pos­ter­ous blog, Marathon Man.

This is a far cry from my days in the Philebri­ty Fit Club com­pe­ti­tion. I’m not sweat­ing weight each week. I’m con­cen­trat­ing on run­ning dis­tance com­fort­ably and con­di­tion­ing myself over the next 17 weeks. The weight will come off as the mileage increas­es to as much as 50 miles a week! It sounds like a lot now, but so did 10 before I ran it today.

As an aside, if any­one fitness/lifestyle com­pa­ny can pro­duce a pedometer/watch bet­ter than Nike Sport­band, please do. Today’s run along the Wis­sahick­on had mile­mark­ers and when I fin­ished, my Nike Sport­band was near­ly a full mile off over the course of ten miles. Did I men­tion that con­den­sa­tion is col­lect­ing in the face of the watch? It’s time for Nike to admit that they rushed this prod­uct to mar­ket and issue a recall. I’m already envi­sion­ing the unbe­liev­able class action suit that will be brought by a ton of pissed off run­ners who thought they’d found the answer to their prayers.

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