It’s another busy week.

Last week was pret­ty unbe­liev­able. I cel­e­brat­ed my third anniver­sary, turned 31, saw the Phils beat the Fish, and went to the Poconos for the week­end, where I ate a ton of smoked pork shoul­der. This week should be more of the same as I check out King Crim­son tonight, Radio­head tomor­row night, take Helen to fet­ed restau­rant James for her 30th, and head down to Atlantic City for a blow-out birth­day par­ty for her this weekend.

I think we’ll stay in and watch I’m Not There and Man­u­fac­tured Land­scapes on Thurs­day unless some­thing bet­ter comes up. (I’m prob­a­bly run­ning over to the Port Rich­mond Game Stop to pick up Mad­den 2009 that night!)