I saw King Crimson last night.

Keswick The­ater, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life.

Last night my friend Bucky and I ven­tured out to leafy Glen­side to see prog rock mon­sters King Crim­son at the Keswick The­ater. They may not play the clas­sics that near­ly every teenage boy mem­o­rizes while gulp­ing down heap­ing help­ings of Ayn Rand, but it’s pret­ty cool to see Fripp, Belew, and Levin–the guys behind Dis­ci­pline–onstage in full freak­out mode for a sol­id two hours.

7 thoughts on “I saw King Crimson last night.

  1. ANDREW WELLS says:

    I frig­gin love KC, But I am extreme­ly con­fused and dis­ap­point­ed with the sound at the keswick last night. I read a review before we left for the show that crit­i­cized the sound at the Mon­day show and I was pray­ing it was not true. In my own opin­ion, it was true. I hope this post gets some­where where some­one can reply with an expla­na­tion of why the sound was not at it’s best. I am not a sound tech, just a music lover. I thought for sure buy­ing tick­ets to the sec­ond show would assure that KC would have ironed out all the wrinkles.
    I still would like to thank all the guys, Adri­an, Robert, Tony, Gavin and Pat and all oth­ers involved for com­ing to Pennsylvania.
    ‑Andy Wells

  2. You saw them both nights? Now that’s commitment!

    I did­n’t think it sound­ed so bad per­son­al­ly. It’s an old­er the­ater and I did­n’t go in expect­ing it to be pris­tine. I under­stand your frus­tra­tion though. What sound­ed off to you?

  3. Ted Riskin says:

    I was there Mon­day, right side row D. All the bass was a mush. Both Tony Lev­in’s play­ing and the low­er drum sounds. I had to fill in from my own mem­o­ry. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, my friend did­n’t know the songs so could­n’t do that. I would also like to hear com­ments about the sound.

  4. Jake says:

    This was my first KC show. I saw Adri­an play with FZ back in the day and had to seen KC. Last nights show blew my mind. As for the sound I thought the vocals were low at the start, and quick­ly cor­rect­ed. I was last row cen­ter and thought the music sound great there. May be the wall behind me helped sound. Any­way I loved the show.

  5. ANDREW WELLS says:

    I real­ly thought the over­all vol­ume was low, but I heard some oth­er peo­ple com­pain­ing that it was too loud. I thought the gui­tars were def­i­nite­ly low on most songs par­tic­u­lar­ly in the begin­ning of the show. We had alot of trou­ble hear­ing TLev (sounds insane, but true). I thought I was going crazy but I could hear (on some of the songs) what sound­ed to be Tony’s Sticks tap­ping. Now, I know they were not but it sound­ed like sticks tap­ping away on a pick guard? In his post above, Ted describes it well when he wrote “the bass and low drum sounds being kind of mushy or muf­fled”. My broth­er thought the equip­ment may not have been enough for that size room. It kills me to crit­cize this show since I had been look­ing so for­ward to it!! On a pos­i­tive note: I think Adri­an’s vocals were def­i­nite­ly at their best. The band absolute­ly kicked ARSE on lev­el five.…..what a song and what a per­for­mance. There is noth­ing bet­ter than King Crim­son Shred­ding as in L5, Indis­ci­pline, Frakc­tured etc. I am start­ing to think that maybe it was my seat? I was in row c seat 12 to the right side while look­ing at the stage.
    ‑Andy Wells

  6. ANDREW WELLS says:

    I would love to hear con­fir­ma­tion that they are work­ing on new mate­r­i­al! Does any­one know for sure?

    -Andy Wells

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