Keswick Theater, originally uploaded by Blackmail Is My Life.
Last night my friend Bucky and I ventured out to leafy Glenside to see prog rock monsters King Crimson at the Keswick Theater. They may not play the classics that nearly every teenage boy memorizes while gulping down heaping helpings of Ayn Rand, but it’s pretty cool to see Fripp, Belew, and Levin–the guys behind Discipline–onstage in full freakout mode for a solid two hours.
I friggin love KC, But I am extremely confused and disappointed with the sound at the keswick last night. I read a review before we left for the show that criticized the sound at the Monday show and I was praying it was not true. In my own opinion, it was true. I hope this post gets somewhere where someone can reply with an explanation of why the sound was not at it’s best. I am not a sound tech, just a music lover. I thought for sure buying tickets to the second show would assure that KC would have ironed out all the wrinkles.
I still would like to thank all the guys, Adrian, Robert, Tony, Gavin and Pat and all others involved for coming to Pennsylvania.
‑Andy Wells
You saw them both nights? Now that’s commitment!
I didn’t think it sounded so bad personally. It’s an older theater and I didn’t go in expecting it to be pristine. I understand your frustration though. What sounded off to you?
I was there Monday, right side row D. All the bass was a mush. Both Tony Levin’s playing and the lower drum sounds. I had to fill in from my own memory. Unfortunately, my friend didn’t know the songs so couldn’t do that. I would also like to hear comments about the sound.
This was my first KC show. I saw Adrian play with FZ back in the day and had to seen KC. Last nights show blew my mind. As for the sound I thought the vocals were low at the start, and quickly corrected. I was last row center and thought the music sound great there. May be the wall behind me helped sound. Anyway I loved the show.
I really thought the overall volume was low, but I heard some other people compaining that it was too loud. I thought the guitars were definitely low on most songs particularly in the beginning of the show. We had alot of trouble hearing TLev (sounds insane, but true). I thought I was going crazy but I could hear (on some of the songs) what sounded to be Tony’s Sticks tapping. Now, I know they were not but it sounded like sticks tapping away on a pick guard? In his post above, Ted describes it well when he wrote “the bass and low drum sounds being kind of mushy or muffled”. My brother thought the equipment may not have been enough for that size room. It kills me to critcize this show since I had been looking so forward to it!! On a positive note: I think Adrian’s vocals were definitely at their best. The band absolutely kicked ARSE on level five.…..what a song and what a performance. There is nothing better than King Crimson Shredding as in L5, Indiscipline, Frakctured etc. I am starting to think that maybe it was my seat? I was in row c seat 12 to the right side while looking at the stage.
‑Andy Wells
I would love to hear confirmation that they are working on new material! Does anyone know for sure?
-Andy Wells
Seen Crimson since 74, best show ever !!! Welcome back Tony and welcome to crimson Gavin