One thought on “A CALL FOR iPHONE APPS

  1. cram time says:

    Since you like net­flix you should check out Dash­buster or iFlix.
    Dash­buster has a free app which works well, though you can’t add to your queue,
    only browse and rearrange the queue.

    I’d con­sid­er shelling out the $3.99 for one of these apps, but I am curi­ous if net­flix will release
    their own free app.

    EccoNote is a decent free note record­ing app with a cool icon.

    I’ve also heard good things about “I am rich.”

    The sheer num­ber of appli­ca­tions for the iPhone is a bit overwhelming.
    Its a shame that the peo­ple that review these pro­grams on itunes are much like
    those who review records on itunes. They don’t know what they are talk­ing about.

    I found that giz­mo­do has decent cov­er­age of iPhone apps.

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