On the beach, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life.

August was almost inde­scrib­ably awe­some, but I’ll try to remem­ber just what made it so great anyway.

I turned 31 and got my name on the Phillies score­board. Helen and I cel­e­brat­ed our third anniver­sary at the Water­works Restau­rant. I joined the guys in the Poconos for Mikey’s bach­e­lor par­ty. We cel­e­brat­ed Helen’s 30th twice! First at James in South Philly and again with friends on the Atlantic City beach! Cathy, Sarah, Maris­sa and Rick had birth­days, too! Our friends Cathy and Mikey got mar­ried at Tyler Arbore­tum! We went to Corol­la, NC for a week’s vaca­tion. Kristy and Pre­ston got mar­ried! So did Josh and Suzanne! On the same day! It was crazy!

Sure, I added the first week of Sep­tem­ber. I’m treat­ing the short work week as con­tin­u­a­tion steps from an August that just did­n’t want to end.

One thought on “AUGUST 2008: BEST MONTH EVER?

  1. That just makes me smile…nothing bet­ter than hav­ing the best month ever. That’s just some­thing to bot­tle up and remem­ber for later.

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