Dub Colossus — A Town Called Addis

When two of my favorite crit­ics rec­om­mend some­thing, I lis­ten. First Matt Cibu­la, my favorite world music crit­ic, tipped me to Dub Colos­sus’ new album, A Town Called Addis. Now Jeff Weiss has sec­ond­ed that rec­om­men­da­tion. I’ve lis­tened to the album once and liked what I heard. I’ll be spend­ing more time with it this after­noon as I prep for tonight’s cov­er­age of the third and final Pres­i­den­tial debate for comcast.net’s elec­tion blog.

Be sure to check Mat­t’s blog, Cave 17, for a thor­ough­go­ing review and Jef­f’s for a taste of what Dub Colos­sus are about, mp3-style.

(This post is mak­ing me miss what Sty­lus Mag­a­zine offered in a big, big way.)